
Announcement for Events Coordinator

The Halifax Town Council Business Development committee and Town Manager Carl Espy have announced the selection of Rebecca Ramey from a field of 8 respondents to contract as the Events Coordinator on a part-time, event by event basis.  Rebecca and her husband Scott moved to Vernon Hill 8 years ago to live close to friends and to live in a rural setting.  Before moving here Rebecca had a history of management and marketing positions working for both US and German Biotech companies.  She retired at an early age to start a family and now has twin boys.  Two years ago, Rebecca started to teach Yoga locally, and in November of 2012 she opened Ohm Yoga Center just off Main Street on Edmunds Boulevard in downtown Halifax.  She is active in the community as a member of the Halifax Beekeepers Association, the Halifax Village Association, and the Banister River Garden Club.  Rebecca has a deep love of the town of Halifax as evidenced by her desire to open her studio within the town.  "There is something magical about this town", Ramey says, "the people who live and work here have a strong desire to share what we have with the county at large.  I feel that with the dedication of those who wish to see the town grow, we can achieve its potential as a destination for tourists and county residents."

In making the selection, Committee Chair Kristy Johnson stated "I am thrilled that Rebecca has agreed to take the events coordinator position.  Her enthusiasm and passion for Halifax will truly help us to continue to build on the success of past events."  Ramey will work directly with the Town Manager and Assistant Manager Denise Barksdale while reporting to the Business Development Committee.  Committee member Ronnie Duffey observed that the new coordinator has a sharp focus on specifically tying in community life, businesses and culture with the upcoming events, "She seems to have a clear understanding of how the job needs to be done and she is well qualified", Duffey commented.  According to Espy, Rebecca has already started making calls to existing businesses, local volunteers, art groups, corporate sponsors, clubs and organizations that have expressed their interest in supporting the Halifax Earth Day Celebration scheduled for Saturday April 26th at the Halifax Marketplace, 209 South Main Street.  "I look forward to the Village Association's community clock project getting underway as the centerpiece of the Town of Halifax Farmer's Market and events area downtown", Ramey mused, "and as the courthouse renovations begin and the Banister River Blueways project develops, I hope, that with the community's support, I will build upon what the previous event coordinators have put together, eventually expanding the venues for each event in unique ways to celebrate the area's bountiful resources, creative talent and rural way of life."

For more information about participating withthe Halifax Earth Day Celebration contact Rebecca Ramey - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 434-470-1602.

Revised Sanitation Schedule due to Inclement Weather

To All Affected Town of Halifax Residents & Businesses:

Due to the significant winter weather event hitting the area, the Town of Halifax would like to inform residents and businesses receiving curbside solid waste pickup on Thursday February 13 that this service will be postponed to Friday February 14, weather permitting.

- This area includes Maple Avenue, Buena Vista Drive, Park Lane, Lakeside Drive, Harding Street, Snead Lane, Cary Street, Elam Street, Hedderly Street, Jackson Street, Back Street, Main Street (from Mountain Road north on US Hwy 501 and east on VA Hwy 360 to the corporate limits).

If further modifications to the curbside solid waste and recycling service provided by the Town of Halifax Sanitation Department is required due to the significant winter weather event, additional information will be provided. 

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Snow Removal within the Town of Halifax

With the 1st significant winter weather event of the year hitting the area during the work week, the Town of Halifax would like to explain to residents, businesses, property owners and public agencies how the snow removal efforts are coordinatd between the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), Halifax County and the Town of Halifax.

VDOT is responsible for plowing the public roads (primary, secondary, residential) throughout Halifax County including within the Town of Halifax corporate limits.  VDOT snow removal crews/drivers & contractors working for VDOT each are assigned a specific territory and responsibility.  When snowfall occurs, crews are dispatched simultaneously to their assigned territory and snow removal routes are prioritized accordingly with major highways and high volume primary & secondary roads cleared first.  Once the most heavily traveled roads and emergency routes are adequately clear, crews/drivers move to less-traveled secondary roads and residential streets.  Snow removal on privately maintained roads is the responsibility of the property owners along the road or the homeowner association.

Driveway entries along curb and gutter streets and pipestem driveways along ditches are privately owned and maintained by the property owners.  Snow removal is the property owners' responsibility.

     - Residents should not clear their dirveways back into the street until the street is cleared completely on a final route; this will only result in the snow being pushed back into the driveways.  Please do not approach the drivers and request additional snow removal or removal on private property.

Once the most heavily traveled roads and emergency routes are adequatyely clear and during the secondary road and residential street operation, VDOT crews/drivers & contractors working for VDOT, Halifax County and the Town of Halifax will begin clearing on-street parking areas in front of businesses, residences and public agencies along Main Street where necessary.

     - Business owners & patrons and affected residents & agencies should utilize off-street parking (where practical), during this stage of the operation.  Crews/drivers are instructed that if they approach an on-street parking area with unattended vehicles that would restrict their width and ability to maneuver the snowplow, not to clear that area.

VDOT is not responsible for clearing sidewalks.  Sidewalks treated by County & Town personnel before, during & after a snow event are those fronting County owned building/property, Town owned buildings/property and nearby approaches to designated crosswalks downtown.  County & Town personnel do not treat sidewalks in the residential neighborhoods.  Business owners are responsible for the sidewalk in front of their respective establishments.

     - Residents & businesses are asked to keep sidewalks safe.  As soon as feasible, please clear snow off the sidewalks in front of the property so that all pedestrians, especially those with disabilities and the elderly, may walk securely.  Sand, not chemical de-icing compounds should be used to prevent sidewalk damage.

County/Town personnel and contractors perform snow removal for off-street parking lots related to general county/town properties.  Clearing is conducted on a priority basis, with government centers, police, fire and other emergency facilities having highest priority.

Please Use Provided Pet Waste Receptacles

The Town of Halifax provides Pet Waste Receptacles at three locations in town and wants residents and visitors to be aware of the "Stoop and Scoop Law":

Sec.18-11.  Allowing animals to defecate on public property or property of another

It shall be unlawfull for any person knowingly or willingly to allow any animal belonging to that person to defecate on any public property, or the property of another without the consent of the owner of the property or his agent, provided that it shall not be unlawful to allow defecation by such animal within the curb or gutter area of a public street or roadway, and provided that defecation by an animal on public property shall not be unlawful if the owner of the animal removes the animal's excrement immediately and disposes of it in a public trash receptacle or on the owner's own property in a lawful manner.

Please be considerate and use the provided Pet Waste Receptacles located at:

375 North Main Street  - located in front of the Halifax Volunteer Fire Department

722 Mountain Road - located in front of the Halifax Elementary School Building

 177 South Main Street - located in front of the Halifax Public Library


1st Saturdays Community Yard Sales

Town of Halifax Farmers Market 1st Saturday Community Yard Sales from 8am - 12 Noon


Community yard sales will be held on the following dates:

June 7th, July 5th, August 2nd, & September 6th, 2014

$4 for each 10X10 space- you provide tables

Call 434-476-2343 to reserve a space

Spaces are limited, so call now to reserve your space!

Town of Halifax Farmers Market, 209 South Main Street, Halifax, VA

Open Saturday 8am-Noon