Survey for Southside Transport/Heritage Trail

Hello everyone,
Attached you will find a press release announcing a survey to gather input from the public on sidewalks, bicycles, and trails throughout the Southside region. This survey is a collaboration between the Southside Planning District Commission, Roanoke River Rails-to-Trails, and the National Park Service. Input received from the survey will be used to support two different planning initiatives, the Southside Active Transportation Plan and an update to the Tobacco Heritage Trail Master Plan. More information can be found on these plans in the attached press release.
Please note that survey questions will vary based on location. The reason for this is the two aforementioned plans include slightly different geographic areas. Those within the counties of Brunswick, Halifax, and Mecklenburg will have questions on sidewalks, bicycles, and trails and their responses will be utilized for the Southside Active Transportation Plan and the Tobacco Heritage Trail Master Plan. For the folks outside of those three counties, they will only see trail related questions and their responses will be utilized for the Tobacco Heritage Trail Master Plan update.
We invite you to not only complete the survey but to also share it through your various means of outreach (website, newsletter, social media, flyers, etc.). The survey will remain open until October 31st.
Survey link:
We would like to thank you in advance for anything you can do to help spread the word. Should you have any questions or require any assistance please let me know.
Thank you!
Chad Neese, CNU-A
Senior Planner/GIS Specialist
Southside Planning District Commission
200 S. Mecklenburg Ave.
South Hill, VA 23970
(434) 447-7101 ext. 211