
Additional Changes in Sanitation/Recycling Schedule Following Winter Storm Diego

Holiday Book Sale December 3rd - 8th

Town of Halifax Two-Hour Parking

Enforcement of two-hour parking in downtown Halifax is slated to resume following the installation by VDOT of new signage this week.  This particular parking enforcement will be done routinely.  This enforcement is part of the police department's commitment to the success of businesses in the downtown area of Halifax.  However, the police department is also responsible for handling parking issues throughout Halifax, not just in the central business district.

Those found to be violating the two-hour parking ordinance could be cited with a $10 fine.  People are encouraged to use the public parking lots around the central business district if they will be parked for more than two hours.  Initially, warnings may be written for vehicles violating the two-hour downtown parking ordinance.  If a vehicle is found to be continually violating the ordinance, then a citation may be issued.  The two-hour parking limit runs from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday.

The Town of Halifax would like to encourage motorists to park on Main St. in our beautiful downtown if you are shopping or dining.  If all the parking spaces are full, we would like to remind you that there is also public parking in the library parking lot, the entire front lot of the Farmers Market and some limited parking on Houston St.  We ask those persons coming to do any business at the courthouse complex to please park in the public parking lot located at the end of Blue Ridge Lane on the south side of the courthouse.

Children's Gift Giving Bazaar 2018

Change of Sanitation Schedule Effective Week of Veteran's Day Holiday

Change of Pick-up for Town of Halifax Solid Waste & Recycling Customers



November 5, 2018

To All Town of Halifax Customers:

Halifax Town Hall will be closed on Monday November 12th in observance of Veteran’s Day. Please be aware that the Town of Halifax will be picking up recyclables on Friday November 16th due to the modified Holiday schedule. The regular town curbside recycling pick up will resume Wednesday November 28th after the Thanksgiving Holiday modified schedule. During the modified holiday schedule, town residents may take their properly prepared recyclable materials (see guidelines for curbside pick-up below), to the large bins provided at the Blue Ridge Regional Jail lower parking lot which now accepts co-mingled newspaper (including mixed paper), plastic (#1 & #2), cardboard, cans (aluminum & metal) and mixed consumer glass (clear, green & brown). When recycling glass at the Convenience Center site, PLEASE PLACE THE GLASS DIRECTLY INTO THE BIN WITH NO BAGS-this will keep the glass free of contaminants so that sorting will not be necessary.

The Town of Halifax Solid Waste Department will conduct its solid waste pick-up the week of Veteran’s Day on a modified schedule:

  • Monday November 12 - The Town of Halifax will be closed in observance of Veteran’s Day.
  • Tuesday November 13 – Residents normally served on this day will have solid waste picked up. This area includes properties along US Hwy 501 south from the RR Tracks to the corporate limits, Spencer Lane Golf Course Road, Brook Run, Cowford Road, Meadow Drive, Banister Road, Gatha’s Trail and Ballou Trail.
  • Wednesday November 14Residents normally served on Monday will have solid waste picked up. This area includes Mountain Road, Canterbury Drive, Woodview Road, Mimosa Drive, Oak Lane, Pine Road, Ash Street, Cedar Lane, Poplar Lane, Crawford Road, Academy Street, Ballpark Loop (within corporate limits), Craddock Street, Houston Street and Main Street (from Mountain Road south to the RR Tracks).
  • Thursday November 15 – Residents normally served on this day will have solid waste picked up. This area includes Maple Avenue, Buena Vista Drive, Park Lane, Lakeside Drive, Harding Street, Snead Lane, Cary Street, Elam Street, Hedderly Street, Jackson Street, Back Street, Main Street (from Mountain Road north on US Hwy 501 and east on VA Hwy 360 to the corporate limits).
  • Friday November 16 – The Town of Halifax Solid Waste Department will conduct curbside recycling on this day and will resume regular weekly curbside recycling on Wednesday November 28th after the Thanksgiving Holiday modified week schedule.

Guidelines for Preparing Curbside Recyclables

(follow thoroughly & do not co-mingle trash items or service may be suspended)

Metals -- Aluminum Cans (rinsed if possible)            Plastics -- Milk, soda, water bottles, detergent    

Metal Cans (rinsed - labels may be left on)                jugs (look for #1 & #2 on bottom) rinse, remove caps            

Newspaper -- Clean and dry                                      Cardboard -- Flatten boxes, no waxed cardboard, (anything in the newspaper when you                                                                     remove plastic bags, styrofoam or packing “peanuts”

receive it can be recycled)

Mixed Paper -- Junk mail, cereal boxes,                  Glass -- clear, green & brown; EMPTIED, RINSED, LIDS magazines, phone books, etc.                                                                 REMOVED, NO BROKEN GLASS-in plastic bag on top


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