The approach area begins at the southern gateway and extends to Cemetery Street, where it transitions into the core area. The overall recommendations for this approach area include:
- Removal of overhead utility crossing wires, but retention of the overhead wires along the sides of the road. This is recommended as a cost-effective measure, as there is no parallel route for relocation of the utilities and it is cost prohibitive to place them underground.Retention of most existing sidewalks and curbs except where specific repair is needed.
- Retention of parallel parking on both sides of the street with chokers to define the parking area from the travel lane.
- Provision of a continuous central left turn lane defined by terminus median islands at locations shown on the plan. This will allow safer vehicular access to Main Street by providing a continuous rest area and will allow for smoother traffic flow by removing left turning vehicles from the travel lane. It is recommended that the turn lane be treated with pressed asphalt surfacing.
This will reduce the perception of continuous wide asphalt surface, calming the tendency of vehicles to speed and allowing pedestrians an easier crossing area. - Addition of pedestrian scale lighting along both sides of the roadway.