How do we know it is finally spring? Is it the warmer air, the forsythias or the daffodils? No. It is Second Saturdays at the Halifax Farmer's Market. May 10th is the first in the Southside Master Gardener's series of Second Saturdays for 2014. Master Gardeners will be at the Farmer's Market to help children pot up plants for Mother's Day. Bring your kids, grandkids or the neighbor's kids to introduce them to plants and give them an opportunity to make a gift for their Moms.
Master Gardeners will also be available to repair your tomato cages that suffered damage last season. Join us from 8 am to 11 am on Saturday, May 10, for a fun morning with your children and to ask any questions you may have about your yard or garden. For more information about the Master Gardener program, please call the Halifax Extension Office at 434-476-2147 or visit their website at or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Southside Master Gardeners Carol Nelson and Maggie Westervelt prepare to reweld a broken tomato cage. Bring your broken cages to the Halifax Farmers Market on May 10th and the Master Gardeners will bring it back to useable condition.