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Please Use Provided Pet Waste Receptacles

The Town of Halifax provides Pet Waste Receptacles at three locations in town and wants residents and visitors to be aware of the "Stoop and Scoop Law":

Sec.18-11.  Allowing animals to defecate on public property or property of another

It shall be unlawfull for any person knowingly or willingly to allow any animal belonging to that person to defecate on any public property, or the property of another without the consent of the owner of the property or his agent, provided that it shall not be unlawful to allow defecation by such animal within the curb or gutter area of a public street or roadway, and provided that defecation by an animal on public property shall not be unlawful if the owner of the animal removes the animal's excrement immediately and disposes of it in a public trash receptacle or on the owner's own property in a lawful manner.

Please be considerate and use the provided Pet Waste Receptacles located at:

375 North Main Street  - located in front of the Halifax Volunteer Fire Department

722 Mountain Road - located in front of the Halifax Elementary School Building

 177 South Main Street - located in front of the Halifax Public Library